"Reiki is one of several therapies based on the biofield, or a type of energy field that regulates everything from our cellular function to our nervous system."
- Shamini Jain

We often tell ourselves that we need some ‘me’ time, but what do we mean by that? The first thing that may come to mind is a bubble bath, or going for a run. These are lovely activities, but they are only escapes. when we think about ‘me’ time, we should think more about our inner self, how to unwind from our problems, clear our mind and balance our energy.
Reiki helps us to find a quiet moment to breathe and let someone take care of us.
An ancient technique of energy balancing. Reiki is an intelligent energy that permeates the bodies of all living beings, this intelligent force, also call prana, chi… can connect us with what we need, and it can help us to connect with our higher self.
The Reiki practitioner is just a vessel to help bring this energy that is readily available to the surface, and help bring balance and peace into your life.

"If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation."
- Dalai Lama
Kids' mindfulness and yoga
During eight years of my life I worked intensively with children. Some of the things that I learned were alarming. I learned that children, very young children, often suffer from substantial stress and anxiety. It shouldn’t be like that.
In today’s society we put a lot of pressure on our children, we start teaching them the same social conditioning and limiting beliefs that we are working so hard to get rid of ourselves, our 'invisible tigers'.
Our children have far too many afterschool activities, extra homework, school projects that generate a lot of pressure to perform – creating anxiety.
So, what about giving our children tools to fight all of those invisible tigers that make them anxious. Mindfulness for kids is a moment to stop and breathe, to teach them to calm themselves down. And to centre themselves.
I found Kidding Around Yoga when I was looking for such tools to give to my children, it was love at first site! I love yoga, and I can see how yoga made my life better, so I immediately connected with it, and I found it to be the perfect fit for me.
Kidding Around Yoga is gentle, fun, non-competitive and free from performance pressure, the children learn mindfulness skills, group interaction, breathing exercises and much more, all in a light and fun environment.